Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Less than a day left in Denmark

It feels just like yesterday I made the decision to go to USA for a whole year, and yet, here I am the day before I begin my long journey. Now that it is almost time to go, I can’t wrap my head around it and truly believe it. And despite the fact that I can’t believe it, I have never been more ready than I am now and I  just want to finally meet my hostfamily!

To finish off  I’m gonna share some pictures from my second last day in Denmark with my family and friends, so I can get back to spending my last hours in Denamrk with my parents and little brother.

 Me and my mom

 My friends, brother and me

 Little brother, cousin, me and cousin (from left to right)

 My little brother Lukas and his friend Lucas
Me holding all the dollars I got!


  1. At least the weather is nice for your last day ;D

  2. I'm so proud of your first blog post! Welcome to the blogger world!
    The pics are great!:D
